Need Guidance - UNO/Ether data to hosted website

I have an UNO R3 shielded with Ethernet running Webserver through a port at the home 20. I would like to have a web page not on the SD card or by client.println code but hosted on one of my Internet servers. From that page I want to pull pin readings from the UNO. The reason for this route, the web page will have data from other sources on it as well.

I have ASP experience, Arduino IDE of course, and some java script. I am seeking advice on best fit scenario. An example would help. Is anyone doing this?


The Arduino can act as a client, and push data to a (web) server. Or, it can act as a server, serving up responses to clients (web browsers, typically).

If your browser is asking a server to serve up a page, and the server is not the Arduino, that server will need to either act as a client, asking the Arduino-as-server to serve up the data, or it will need to serve up historical data that the Arduino-as-client has asked it to store.

Which role do you want the Arduino, and the server that the browser accesses, to play?