Need help connecting Calypso Instrument ultrasonic anemometer to Arduino (UART/I2C)

Hello everyone,

I need some assistance. I'm trying to connect a Calypso Instrument ultrasonic anemometer, specifically the "Ultra-Low-Power Ultrasonic wind meter (ULP STD)" model, using the UART/I2C protocol. My problem is that I don't know how to write the code to read the measurements with Arduino. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me out or provide guidance on this.

In addition, here is the link to the product for more detailed information:(,56,65)

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Wow, the price of that plastic ... thing is silly.
Look at documentation / Instruction_Manual.pdf > 6. Communication Protocols.
For start, connect instrument UART to arduino at 38400bps baud rate and see what you`ll get.

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