Hello! I have a Problem! I have a Projekt for school. Its an Elevator! I've build IT nur i can't Code well enough to do the Codeing alone!
I need s.o WHO can Look ober my Script and Code ist that way that it wokrs! PLZ! I need the Elevator to Go to a specific Floor when a Button ist pressed!
The elevator should move from one floor to another one. There are 3 floors. For each floor there is one button. Look at the photos in third message under this post and you will hopefully know what i mean! Tanks!!
Start by posting your code and explaining the problems that you are having
It seems likely that your native language is not English. If so, you may be better off asking for this topic to be moved to one of the language specific sections of the forum
Although the OP is not speaking in native English, yet he has very well expressed his need. I would like to insist the OP to remain in this English Language Forum from where he can expect maximum interactions.
The codes are compiled without any error. However, if you are using Arduino UNO, then I would like to request you to avoid the use of DPin-0 and DPin-1 as these two pins are used by Serial Monitor and IDE for program debugging and uploading. You are advised to use DPin-4 and DPin-5 in places of DPin-0 and DPin-1 respectively. This is to say:
The codes are compiled without any error. However, if you are using Arduino UNO, then I would like to request you to avoid the use of DPin-0 and DPin-1 as these two pins are used by Serial Monitor and IDE for program debugging and uploading. You are advised to use DPin-4 and DPin-5 in places of DPin-0 and DPin-1 respectively. This is to say:
Also with the Mega2560 these pins are the serial interface of the USB.
What I miss are comments.
Also the meaning of the abbreviations does not make any
Also with the Mega2560 these pins are the serial interface of the USB.
What I miss are comments.
Also the meaning of the abbreviations does not make any
soll das etwa bis Montag früh fertig sein?
Die Pinnamen sind dermaßen kryptisch, dass selbst der kurze Sketch nichts davon ersichtlich macht, außer die Taster vielleicht.
Kein einziger Kommentar der Einem helfen könnte.
Keine einzige Info wie der Ablauf sein soll.
Die Bilder hätte man als Anhang verkleinert anhängen können statt verlinken.
Für einen Außenstehenden ist das in etwa so als wenn er das Hausaufgabenheft um die Ohren geschlagen bekommt und einem noch gesagt wird, nun mach mal, hätte ich gern in 2h fertig.
Für dich. Hier gibts Leute die helfen gern, aber nicht mit so einem Threadauftakt.