Hello… I’ve done several searches and cannot find ide.h. I’m trying to use a mega to connect to an pata hdd. I do not want to write or even access the file system. I only want to get the model number and serial number. I used chatgpt and it wrote the contents of ide.h and ide.cpp (2012), but now it won’t it states that ide.h is part of default Arduino libraries, but not in mine and I cannot find it anywhere. I came across one project… but it was written for really early Arduino environment version and I cannot get it to work with current version (uses WProgram.h) Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve searched for 3 days now
There has never been an "ide.h" as part of Arduino, only as a part of this external library that you found on Google code. "IDE.h" is there. If it uses "WProgram.h", just replace that with an #include <Arduino.h>
things changed and not sure how to fix it. Something about void vs size_t
Yeah, all the various stream/print "write" functions are supposed to return how many bytes were written in modern code, whereas some of them returned nothing in the distant past.
Here's a corrected version. (well, it compiles some of the examples. I don't know whether it works...)
EDIT: compiles now... I made same changes and didn't work... now know why ::embarrassed::
I was making the changes to the files locally... and not to the files in the library folder... Thank you again for your help and sorry for wasting everyone's time... stupid me! I'm my biggest road block most of the time. I'll redo my code and connections... and let you know if it works.