My cousin asked me if I can help him with his project.
What he has in mind:
He wants to open and close the door of a chicken coop at specific times of the day.
It should open up at 7 o'clock in the morning and close at 8 o'clock in the evening.
He already built up everything, he only needs the code now.
He has the Arduino Uno, a Motor Shield and a Power Supply for the Arduino and the Motor Shield.
Now he wants to buy a RTC (Real Time Clock) also for it.
I tried it for myself but the problem is it needs to be fully automatically. This includes the change of the summer and the winter time.
I was also thinking of using a light sensor. Wouldn't it be a lot easier?
My question now is what's the best way to get this done?
This is the current code for spinning the motor. (Copied from a tutorial)
const int
PWM_A = 3,
DIR_A = 12,
BRAKE_A = 9,
SNS_A = A0;
void setup() {
// Configure the A output
pinMode(BRAKE_A, OUTPUT); // Brake pin on channel A
pinMode(DIR_A, OUTPUT); // Direction pin on channel A
// Open Serial communication
Serial.println("Motor shield DC motor Test:\n");
void loop() {
// Set the outputs to run the motor forward
digitalWrite(BRAKE_A, LOW); // setting brake LOW disable motor brake
digitalWrite(DIR_A, HIGH); // setting direction to HIGH the motor will spin forward
analogWrite(PWM_A, 255); // Set the speed of the motor, 255 is the maximum value
delay(5000); // hold the motor at full speed for 5 seconds
Serial.print("current consumption at full speed: ");
// Brake the motor
Serial.println("Start braking\n");
// raising the brake pin the motor will stop faster than the stop by inertia
digitalWrite(BRAKE_A, HIGH); // raise the brake
// Set the outputs to run the motor backward
digitalWrite(BRAKE_A, LOW); // setting againg the brake LOW to disable motor brake
digitalWrite(DIR_A, LOW); // now change the direction to backward setting LOW the DIR_A pin
analogWrite(PWM_A, 255); // Set the speed of the motor
Serial.print("current consumption backward: ");
// now stop the motor by inertia, the motor will stop slower than with the brake function
analogWrite(PWM_A, 0); // turn off power to the motor
Serial.print("current brake: ");
Serial.println("End of the motor shield test with DC motors. Thank you!");
Thank You!