need help for letting my program work on the Mega

so my problem is i've bought a touchscreen :

but now i'm out of pins i need to let it work on the arduino mega( previously i used the duemiilanova).
but the touchscreen won't work even if i place the touchscreen on the same pins as at the duemilanova.

there is a touchscreen specially made for the mega but the difference is one IC and i guess its just for using the double row pins on the mega
here's the other touchscreen:
the name from the ic is 74LVC245APW but it is a tssop package so really hard to solder so it might not work properly

So if someone has an idea how i could fix this on the right way I would very happy :wink:

kind regards


Several of the devices use the hardware SPI interface. On the Mega the SPI pins are 50-53 instead of 10-13.

UNO Mega
Default SS 10 53
MOSI 11 50
MISO 12 51
SCK 13 52

You will probably have to at least cut pins 11, 12, and 13 and jumper those to 50, 51, and 52 respectively. Set pinMode(53, OUTPUT). That may be enough if the library you use doesn't play special tricks when it is compiled for the Mega.

Thank you for the response i've tried the way you told but it doesn't worked on that way..
so i placed the touchscreen on the mega and I go from the pins you told to the other pins but my old pins (10-13) are also connected with the mega do i need to put all on a breadboard and test it without those pins connected or should it work also on my method ?

Several of the devices use the hardware SPI interface. On the Mega the SPI pins are 50-53 instead of 10-13.

UNO Mega
Default SS 10 53
MOSI 11 50
MISO 12 51
SCK 13 52

You will probably have to at least cut pins 11, 12, and 13 and jumper those to 50, 51, and 52 respectively. Set pinMode(53, OUTPUT). That may be enough if the library you use doesn't play special tricks when it is compiled for the Mega.

I guess if the Arduino Mega pins 10-13 are set as inputs they won't be a problem.

It's not clear if the Slave Select signal will be on 10 or on 53. Depends on how the libraries are written.

First try jumpers from 11-13 to 50-52 and set 11, 12, and 13 as INPUT pins.

If that doesn't work, add a jumper from 10 to 53 and set 10 as an INPUT as well.

If neither works you may have to invest in the Mega version of the board.

I guess I need to invest in a board for the mega... :frowning:

now i have soldered the missing IC the 74lvc245APW the connections are perfect its hard soldering a smd ic ^^
but it looks good but it still doesn't work i connected headers onto the double rail from the touchscreen straight into the mega i uploaden my programme still doesn't work maybe there's something with the library but i don't find wich thing of the library .. =(

the libr can be found at this link maybe you find it ? :slight_smile:

kind regards
