need help in capturing data

hi there ,m planning to make vibration monitoring project using accelerometer.but i dont know how to capture live data form arduino console (means its software).is it possible that data could be directly logged into excel spreadsheet or any other software? :frowning:

How much data and how fast do you plan to capture ?

GoBetwino can log data directly to Excel, but i have not made any accurate tests on how fast it can do it.

hey thanx for your precious suggestion.actually am working on agilent vee pro software!!!!!!!!so i want to excess data from arduino software.
Is there any idea??????

from the Agilent datasheet here:

"Agilent VEE Pro can talk to any device from any vendor using

If it talks rs232 then i can talk to Arduino.

If it talks rs232 then i can talk to Arduino.

I talk to mine too. But, it rarely listens to me. :wink:

Oh i talk to my Arduinos all the time, some times it's more like yelling, and i still don't quite know i they listen to me :slight_smile: