need help in connecting ESP 12e to arduino

i hard time connecting my ESP 12e wifi module to arduino and run a webserver. the connection are made like this

arduino uno esp 12e
tx (pin0) rx
rx(pin1) tx
3.3v (vcc+ch_pd)
gnd (gnd+gpio15)

also connected 100 uf capacitor between esp gnd to vcc.
i am running this attached program

web.ino (2.63 KB)

SoftwareSerial esp8266(0,1); // make RX Arduino line is pin 2, make TX Arduino line is pin 3.

No one else has ever been able to use hardware serial and software serial on the same pins at the same time. What makes you special?

A level shifter for the Arduino tx -> Esp rx should be used.

A supply from the Arduino 3.3V is not possible.

ok changed the code and using 2 and 3 as tx and rx .but no use.any further comments

What do you use as level shifter?

What rating has your extra 3.3V supply?

If stimulated by serial monitor, did you switch it to CR+NL?

If you are using a nodemcu esp8266 12e, there is a internal logic level shifter on it's RX pin, so even 5v will do.
Along with that make sure the ground is common for your esp and arduino serial pins.
To see if data is coming, better use a network analyzer, as using your serial monitor will keep the pins occupied for usb cable.
And esp8266 modules have a single Serial port.