Need help in Loop cycle

Need to loop cycle, for now its working only 1 time:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;
int val;
int Vah;

void setup()
myservo.attach(2); //Pin where Servo motor signal is connected.
Vah = 0;

void loop()
val = analogRead(7); //Pin where LDR is connected.

if (val > 1000 && Vah == 0)
Vah = 1;
val = analogRead(7);
while (val > 1000);

if (val > 1000 && Vah == 1)
Vah = 3;

while (true) {...} - not working
for (;:wink: {...} - not working

Found Solution, it was very simple command, just add Vah = 0; after Vah=3;
Arduino nano was used

What is "cycle"? :wink:

It's already zero before the setup function executes.

have a read of how-to-get-the-best-out-of-this-forum
in particular

  1. what arduino are you using?
  2. used code tages </> when uploading code
  3. post a schematic or your wiring
  4. upload a copy of the serial monitor text output

Yes, because you wrote it such way that it runs only once.

Look to the code - first condition match only if Vah == 0 , then you change Vah to 1.
The second condition will run if Vah == 1 and then you change the variable to 3.
That's all. The Vah value never will 0 or 1 again and your loops never run.

what are you trying to do?

      val = analogRead(7);

can IO-pin 7 be used as analog input?

This wokwi-simulation makes visible what your code is doing

best regards Stefan

No, but pin A7 (aka 7) on a Nano or Mega can.
The OP didn't tell us which processor they're using.
Let's wait until we find out.

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