Need Help in porting the arduino code to pic16f73

I have a project made on Arduino which I want to port on to Pic16f73 controller.
Is there anyway I can use the code or add the PIC16F73 in Arduino IDE ?

Not really. Arduino is C++, and afaik there is no C++ compiler for PIC16F.

is there any way i can convert the program to C

Is it a simple application ?
Does it make heavy use of libraries or use direct register manipulation to control peripherals etc.?

this is the code which I want to port to pic16f73
the code works fine on the atmega328

Your PIC16F73 has 192 bytes of RAM


Yes. You can import arduino programs into Atmel studio and it will create a C++ program

I have few pic's laying around & i was wondering if i can do it on them

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