Need help making 2 servos work simultaneously to lift a bucket scooper via bluetooth app

Hi, I am making a project which is an rc tank that also has a live camera on it b
as well as a scooper bucket which uses 2 servos to lift it. I am having an issue figuring out a code and cant put anything together to write a code. I need the code to allow me to use a bluetooth app on my android to lift the two servos together simultaneously so the scooper can be lifted. Im very new to arduino so any help would be much appreciated. I have an arduino uno, a breadboard, plenty of wires, a hc06 bluetooth module, 2 90g servos and batteries

Have you tested your devices individually? You have an Uno and HC-06, what other devices (part numbers) do you have? (SG90 servo motors)

Its been a while since I played with servos but can you feed the one PWM signal to both servos so that they move simultaneously?

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