need help making hardware file for ide 1.6.8 and above


I'm a complete noob when it comes to hardware files and i used to follow instructions

My case is that my 3D printer are using a controller based on the teensy

And the install guide says to install the arduino ide first... then teensyduino..

and then overwrite the boards.txt with a custom provided one

that worked for IDE 1.0.6 but i cant get it working in 1.6.8

can someone tell me how to make one? or even if its a simple task provide me step instructions?

would a link to the old boards.txt help

And the install guide says to install the arduino ide first... then teensyduino..

Please post a link to the install guide.

that worked for IDE 1.0.6 but i cant get it working in 1.6.8

What are the symptoms of it not working? If you are seeing error messages in the IDE then please post them.

search for "Setting-up the environment" about half way down.

Cant remeneber what was wrong but will test and report back


Board teensy:avr:cdcsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_CDCSAV
Board teensy:avr:usbtsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTSAV
Board teensy:avr:avr1091286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_AVR1091286
Board teensy:avr:usbtiny1286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTINY1286
exec: "C:\Users\Bo\Desktop\Arduino IDE\arduino-1.6.8\hardware\teensy/../tools/": file does not exist
Error compiling for board [BootloaderCDC]SAV-MkI.

will try and install teensyduino again

I'm not familiar enough with TeensyDuino to tell you exactly what you need to do. I see in the wiki they say:

The instructions here will help you setup the development environment using Arduino´s IDE version 1.0.6. Currently working in getting it going on Arduino 1.6.5.

This tells me that the boards.txt file is in the old format. The easy way would be to just use the Arduino IDE version the thing was written for but that's not to say it's impossible to get it working in Arduino IDE 1.6.8(actually I recommend 1.6.9 since 1.6.8 had a fairly serious bug). There is a guide on how to convert from 1.0.x format to 1.6.x format here:

The problem is that it looks like teensyduino has a slightly different format. I might be able to infer what changes are necessary if you post the original teensyduino boards.txt file.

Board teensy:avr:cdcsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_CDCSAV
Board teensy:avr:usbtsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTSAV
Board teensy:avr:avr1091286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_AVR1091286
Board teensy:avr:usbtiny1286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTINY1286

Those are nothing to worry about. They are annoying but are only warnings and can easily be fixed.

exec: "C:\Users\Bo\Desktop\Arduino IDE\arduino-1.6.8\hardware\teensy/../tools/": file does not exist

That's the real problem and I don't see anything in the modified boards.txt that would cause it. I think reinstalling the Arduino IDE and Teensyduino is the best solution in case . Make sure to install v1.29 that supports Arduino IDE 1.6.8.

just did the reinstall of teensyduino and still the same thing

the reason why i want 1.6.8 is the the firmware for the printer has dropped support for 1.0.6

will get the boards.txt

the IDE is the ZIP version as i always aim for as less installers i can

i could download the zip again and overwrite files and thereby getting any missed one in place

error is the same after reinstall of both ide and teensyduino

about version yes i would go for the latest... i assume the hardware file would be the same?

anyways there are a few links etc i need to save first

Well I only saw one thing that looked like it should be updated. Give it a try:

  • Download attached file.
  • Rename the attached file .
  • Overwrite the teensy boards.txt with the attached file.
  • Restart the Arduino IDE
  • Try to upload again

Let me know how it goes.

boards.txt (8.26 KB)

still the same

Board teensy:avr:usbtiny1286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTINY1286
Board teensy:avr:cdcsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_CDCSAV
Board teensy:avr:avr1091286 doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_AVR1091286
Board teensy:avr:usbtsav doesn't define a 'build.board' preference. Auto-set to: AVR_USBTSAV
exec: "C:\Users\Bo\Desktop\Arduino IDE\arduino-1.6.8\hardware\teensy/../tools/": file does not exist
Error compiling for board [BootloaderCDC]SAV-MkI.

Please do this:

  • File > Preferences > Verbose upload during: > compilation(check)
  • Verbose upload during: > upload(check)
  • Click the "OK" button
  • Sketch > Upload
  • After the upload fails you will see a button on the right side of the orange bar "Copy error message". Click that button.
  • Paste the error messages here using code tags(</> button on the toolbar). If the forum doesn't allow it because it's too long then attach it as a text file. This is better than pastebin because it's easier for other forum users to take a look. We can use all the help we can get, right?

i just click verify/compile as i dont have the printer close enough that i can upload

but will do as you suggested

how do i attach a txt file?

figured it

error.txt (12.7 KB)

i just click verify/compile as i dont have the printer close enough that i can upload

That's fine. From your previous error message I couldn't tell if the problem was occurring during compilation of upload. Now I can see it's during compilation so it would never get to the upload anyway.

Try the attached boards.txt file, following my previous instructions. I only added the new modifications to the [BootloaderCDC]SAV-MkI board since that's the one your error message indicates you're using.

boards.txt (8.97 KB)

error still looks the same

error.txt (12.8 KB)

Well I did try but unfortunately I'm stumped. I'm not familiar with Teensyduino at all, don't have any of those boards and only installed once to help someone with an easy issue. The problem is the tool name is not being defined. It should be filled in at the end of the path: "C:\Users\Bo\Desktop\Arduino IDE\arduino-1.6.8\hardware\teensy/../tools/" in the commands. Now that you've provided a decent amount of information hopefully it will help someone more knowledgeable to help out. If you wait a while and no help appears here you could try the reprap or teensyduino forums. Cross posting is not usually a good idea so please only post to one at a time and provide the link this thread as well as the error message and the link to the installation instructions so that nobody will duplicate effort trying to provide an answer when it was already done on the other thread.


will wait a week or so before i start to post elsewhere

people with the printrbot 3d printer has the same problem... same chip and printrbot as a company has not provided an upgrade