Need Help: Need help for Arduino uno coding to use 3 ultrasonic sensors

Dear experts out there,

I am quite new to this forum. I need to complete a project which, a robot (using Arduino) need to use 3 ultrasonic sensors to find a way out in the maze field with walls. Just to say, auto maze solving.

I have tried a sample coding for that but the message say "
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno."

What does it mean? Can someone provide a better coding for auto maze with 3 ultrasonic sensors.

Thanks in advance

Better than the code you didn't post in the wrong forum section?

If you want help you need to provide adequate information. Post the code. Post the entire error message(s). There is a "copy error messages" button (lower right of IDE window)to make that easy. Copy the error and paste to a post in code tags. Post a schematic.

Read the "how to use this forum-please read" stickies to see how to post code and some advice on how to get the most from the forum.

I have tried a sample coding for that but the message say "
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno."

What does it mean?

It means that some program, probably the compiler or the linker, exited with a status of 1 meaning that the program encountered an error. When the compiler or linker completes without errors it returns a status of zero.
There should be other messages to tell you what error was encountered.