Need Help on Madgwick filter, very slow response


I am using a LSM9DS1 9dof sensor with Arduino UNO to measure foot rotation. I tried to use Madgwick filter, but I had a problem:
The response from the filter is very slow, I have to wait for a long time until it get stable at the accurate value, as shown in the attachment picture. I changed angle for twice at 38 degree and 0 degree respectively.

Here are what I did for the sensor and filter:

For the sensor set up:
// [sampleRate] sets the output data rate (ODR) of the gyro
// sampleRate can be set between 1-6
// 1 = 14.9 4 = 238
// 2 = 59.5 5 = 476
// 3 = 119 6 = 952
imu.settings.gyro.sampleRate = 6;

// [sampleRate] sets the output data rate (ODR) of the
// DISABLED! Otherwise accel sample rate = gyro sample rate.
// accel sample rate can be 1-6
// 1 = 10 Hz 4 = 238 Hz
// 2 = 50 Hz 5 = 476 Hz
// 3 = 119 Hz 6 = 952 Hz
imu.settings.accel.sampleRate = 6;

// [sampleRate] sets the output data rate (ODR) of the
// magnetometer.
// mag data rate can be 0-7:
// 0 = 0.625 Hz 4 = 10 Hz
// 1 = 1.25 Hz 5 = 20 Hz
// 2 = 2.5 Hz 6 = 40 Hz
// 3 = 5 Hz 7 = 80 Hz
imu.settings.mag.sampleRate = 7;

For the filter set up:

#include <MadgwickAHRS.h>
Madgwick mad_filter;

void setup()


void updateAngles()
float ax = imu.calcAccel(;
float ay = imu.calcAccel(imu.ay);
float az = imu.calcAccel(;
float gx = imu.calcGyro(imu.gx);
float gy = imu.calcGyro(;
float gz = imu.calcGyro(imu.gz);
float mx = imu.calcMag(;
float my = imu.calcMag(;
float mz = imu.calcMag(;

in the void loop();
void loop()
// then print the roll pitch and yaw

I found the time required for each updateAngles() was 6ms, so I put mad_filter.begin(1000/6) for the sample frequency of the filter. Altough the freq for the filter does not match the sample_freq for the sensor, I guess this is not the problem. A filter freq smaller than the sensor sample freq should not cause any probelm.
I also tried to match the filter freq with the sensor sample freq and set the update freq like described in, like set all sensor sample freq = 60 and the filter update freq = 60, but it still does not work.

The lib I am using and the .ino are all in the attachment.

Thanks in advance for any help!!!

捕获.PNG (20.2 KB)

LSM9DS1_Settings.ino (10.1 KB)

Don't waste your time with that outdated code.

The best open source Kalman filter code is GitHub - RTIMULib/RTIMULib-Arduino