Need help on project

I am trying to help my (precocious) grandson with a school project. He already has the Arduino starter kit and is now working on a more complicated project for school. I believe there is an Arduino module that will do what he wants, but I am not expert enough to know for sure. Here is what he wants to do: he wants to display where his ancestors came from on a map of the world (maybe a globe, but not necessarily). He would like to be able to select one of four grandparents via a switch which would then illuminate a string of led's from the place or origin to the place of entry in the US. The leds would flash in sequence indicating the direction of travel. So two questions. Is there an Arduino module that would select the led string and drive the leds? And where could we find the source for an led string that could be custom cut to length and still allow them to function in the desired manner. I hope this makes sense. If not, please ask for clarification. Time is of the essence as the project is due soon. Thanks!

Here you go, easy Peasy.


3 wires, 5V, Gnd & data. you wire them up dasy chain fashion. They have a library you just tell them light up #X using color Y.

-jim lee

I agree with jimLee -

How many leds?

If it was me.. I'd start with fixing/securing the "Neopixels" (some in strips, or individual 5050 sized, 5mm sized...etc) to your locations on the map (each one having its own unique number assigned to it)

You can then assign an array (list) of led #'s that need to be lit up (and in what order).. for each 'family member button press'... you dont need more than 1 led strip either.. as all individual leds will already be affixed to the map.

mom = 1,2,4,6,7,8,12,13,26,33
dad = 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,23,30
uncle = 1,4,5,11,16,17,21,24,33,34


then just loop through your 'array'.. and turn on/off each led on the map according to its 'number'..

Neopixels are individually addressable leds.. so you can control each one separately (color, brightness..etc)

As far as driving (powering) the LEDS... you wont be able to do so form the Arduino directly.. an Arduio can only source 40mA (max) per pin.. and roughly 200mA total I believe...

What color are going for? single color? mix? white? a single Neopixel has a Red, Green & Blue led under the hood (some even have a white led now).. each one of these leds can take up to 20mA each.. so if you had an RGB version, and wanted WHITE (so all 3 leds on).. that is roughly 60mA per 'neopixel'

You might be able to tap into the VIN pin on the Arduino, which I believe bypasses the voltage regulator, and gives you the RAW battery source you are using.

*** BE CAREFUL!.. ONLY attempt to do this is are for SURE using a regulated +5v source (like a phone charger or something... as Neopixels require +5v exactly!)

Otherwise.. you'll have to power the Neopixels directly from the battery source itself (* ensuring you have some sort of +5v voltage regulation going on)... and make sure you connect the GROUNDS form Arduino, Battery & Neopixels