Need help programing milis .

Hi guys i am new here and Im planing to build a pinball machine using a arduino as score using a 16x2 display and 3 switches to count points 100,500 and 1000, until here every thing is fine but i wanna know how i can use the milis funcion cause im planing to set a bonus timer if switch 4 was pressed and points should be 5 times comon points during some time like 60 seconds ex: if switch 4 is pressed a = a5 ; b = b5 and soo on during 60 seconds.
Here is my code if someone can help , i will apreciate it.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> 
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); 

bool button_0State = LOW; // the current STABLE STATE of the input pin 
bool lastButton_0State = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 
long lastDebounce_0Time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled 

long debounceDelay = 50; // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers 

boolean lastReadButton1; 
boolean lastReadButton2;
boolean lastReadButton3;
boolean lastReadButton4;

unsigned int score = 0; 
int ballnumber = 5; 
int a = 100; 
int b = 500; 
int c = 1000; 

// SETUP=========================================== 
void setup() { 

//input pins for scoring triggers 
pinMode(7, INPUT); 
pinMode(8, INPUT);
pinMode(9, INPUT);
pinMode(10, INPUT); 

// set up the LCD: 
lcd.begin(16, 2); 

void loop() { 
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 

if (ballnumber < 0) 
lcd.print("GAME OVER "); 
lcd.print("SCORE:    BALL:"); 

lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 

//BONUS w/out milis////////////////////////////////////// 
boolean readButton4 = digitalRead( 10 ) ; 

if (readButton4 == LOW and lastReadButton4 == HIGH) 
a = a*5; b = b*5; c = c*5; 
lastReadButton4 = readButton4;

//SCORE a 100 PTS ////////////////////////////////////// 
boolean readButton1 = digitalRead ( 8 ) ; 

if (readButton1 == LOW and lastReadButton1 == HIGH) 
score = score + a; 
lastReadButton1 = readButton1; 

//SCORE a 100 PTS ////////////////////////////////////// 
boolean readButton2 = digitalRead ( 9 ) ; 

if (readButton2 == LOW and lastReadButton2 == HIGH) 
score = score + b; 
lastReadButton2 = readButton2;

///LOST BALL///BLACK/////////////////////////////////// 
bool reading = digitalRead( 7 ); 

if (reading != lastButton_0State) { 
lastDebounce_0Time = millis(); // reset the time since last stable state 
lastButton_0State = reading; 

if ((millis() - lastDebounce_0Time) > debounceDelay) { 
// test for a transition from low-high or high-low 
if (button_0State != lastButton_0State) { 
button_0State = lastButton_0State; 

if (button_0State == HIGH) { 
ballnumber = ballnumber - 1; 

if switch 4 is pressed a = a5 ; b = b5 and soo on during 60 seconds.

Save the value of millis() when switch 4 becomes pressed and set a score multiplier to 5. Then each time through loop() check whether 60 seconds has elapsed (millis() - start time > 60 seconds). If so, then set the score multiplier to one. If not then just carry on.

The demo Several Things at a Time illustrates the use of millis() to manage timing. It may help with understanding the technique.


Save the value of millis() when switch 4 becomes pressed and set a score multiplier to 5. Then each time through loop() check whether 60 seconds has elapsed (millis() - start time > 60 seconds). If so, then set the score multiplier to one. If not then just carry on.

Good morning and thanks for your help.
I tried to do what you succeded but I think I still do not understand how it works in the code, it would be possible for you to fix it for me if you can.
Thank you.

Here is the code i have done till now :

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> 
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); 

bool button_0State = LOW; // the current STABLE STATE of the input pin 
bool lastButton_0State = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin 
long lastDebounce_0Time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled 

long debounceDelay = 50; // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers 
//int bonustime = 0; // tempo para que o bonus funcione

boolean lastReadButton1; 
boolean lastReadButton2;
boolean lastReadButton3;
boolean lastReadButton4;

unsigned long bonusbutton; // tempo desde que o botão foi pressionado
int bonustime = 10000;  // tempo do bonus

unsigned int score = 0; 
int ballnumber = 5; 
int a = 100; 
int b = 500; 
int c = 1000; 

void points();
void bonus();

// SETUP=========================================== 
void setup() { 

//input pins for scoring triggers 
pinMode(7, INPUT); 
pinMode(8, INPUT);
pinMode(9, INPUT);
pinMode(10, INPUT); 

// set up the LCD: 
lcd.begin(16, 2); 

void loop() { 
void points(){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); 

if (ballnumber < 0) 
lcd.print("GAME OVER "); 
lcd.print("SCORE:    BALL:"); 

lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 

 //SCORE a 100 PTS ////////////////////////////////////// 
boolean readButton1 = digitalRead(8); 

if (readButton1 == LOW and lastReadButton1 == HIGH) 
score = score + a; 
lastReadButton1 = readButton1; 

//SCORE a 500 PTS ////////////////////////////////////// 
boolean readButton2 = digitalRead(9); 

if (readButton2 == LOW and lastReadButton2 == HIGH) 
score = score + b; 
lastReadButton2 = readButton2;

///LOST BALL///BLACK/////////////////////////////////// 
bool reading = digitalRead(7); 

if (reading != lastButton_0State) { 
lastDebounce_0Time = millis(); // Redefinir o tempo desde o último estado estável 
lastButton_0State = reading; 

if ((millis() - lastDebounce_0Time) > debounceDelay) { 
// test for a transition from low-high or high-low 
if (button_0State != lastButton_0State) { 
button_0State = lastButton_0State; 

if (button_0State == HIGH) { 
ballnumber = ballnumber - 1; 

void bonus(){
static unsigned long bonusbutton = digitalRead(10);

if ((millis() - bonusbutton) < bonustime) {

if (digitalRead(10) == HIGH) 
 a = 500; b = 1000; c = 1500;
if ((millis() - bonusbutton) > bonustime) {

if (digitalRead(10) == LOW) 
a = a; b = b; c = c;
//if ((millis() - bonusbutton) >= bonustime){
//bonustime = millis();

Firstly pull all that code out of loop() into small, well named functions, and leave loop() as a list of function
calls. This will help structure the code and prevent loop() becoming confusing mess of stuff.

Your program is going to be a group of state-machines for each feature of the pinball machine, so try to
keep that reflected in the code - each statemachine should have a function to drive its transitions, called
from loop(), and sub functions for the detail - choose function names well and the code is very readable
and easy to navigate.

Firstly pull all that code out of loop() into small, well named functions, and leave loop() as a list of function
calls. This will help structure the code and prevent loop() becoming confusing mess of stuff.

This is good advice and it is illustrated in Planning and Implementing a Program


PS ,,, please modify your post and use the code button </> so your code looks like this and is easy to copy to a text editor. See How to use the Forum