I'm sort of new to Arduino and I'm trying to read 10 volts with a analog pin but they can only read up to 5 volts. When the Arduino reads more than 9.5 volts it should trigger a relay. Can anyone help me with this.
You can use a voltage divider to proportionally reduce the voltage. In this case two equal-value resistors will cut the voltage in half. The resistor values are not too critical but I'd use two 10K resistors.
Will I still be able to read the 9.5 volts with a voltage divider?
Is 9.5V/2 less than 5V?
Yes but will I have to add the two values together from the two analog pins to get the 9.5 volt value?
What two analog pins? A voltage divider feeds one pin. Google, "voltage divider".
Ok, I didn't know that and I also I don't know how a voltage divider works so ill have to figure that out as well.
simply follow the link that was provided in reply #2
If you want to fast track it, Google "Arduino voltage divider"...
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