need help repeating the same code over and over

i want to repeat the TV.set_pixel(BX,BY+1,WHITE); so like every 100ms it moves up by one but this does not happen. there is a way i tried and it worked but i hatted it cause it took up to much space and it was this
so on............

#include <TVout.h>
#include <fontALL.h>
unsigned char x, y; 
TVout TV;
int BX = 55;                
int BY = 55;

void setup () 
TV.println(10,10,"Test Ball Movement");
void loop () 
if(BY <= 0)
if(BX <= 0)

Look up for in the reference section.

I just started playing with TVout a few weeks ago, and one of the first things I did was a simple ball demo. (I wrote up my experiments here: Arduino Pac-Man part 2 – It lives! | Sub-Etha Software) I will post the source here in case it helps. For moving a pixel, there are a few basic ways. Here's one using a for loop to draw the pixel across the screen:

uint8_t x; // X position of pixel

for (x=0; x<TV.vres(); x++)
  TV.set_pixel(x, 0, WHITE);
  TV.delay_frame(30); // delay 30 frames

That would make 'x' go from 0 to whatever the vertical resolution is (120 by default).

You could also take a more brute-force approach and manually increment the x coordinate each time in a loop:

uint8_t x;

x = 0;
  TV.set_pixel(x, 0, WHITE);
  TV.delay_frame(30); // delay 30 frames
  x = x +1;

For bouncing, if you track the x and y of the object, you can use a movement-x and movement-y variable that can either be +1 (when moving right or down) or -1 (when moving left or up) and do something like this:

uint8_t x, y; // position of object
int8_t mx, my; // movement offset of object

// Start out at top left of screen
x = 0;
y = 0;
// Start out moving right (x+1) and down (y+1)
mx = 1;
my = 1;

// Do this forever...
  // Draw pixel
  TV.set_pixel(x, y, WHITE);
  // Erase pixel
  TV.set_pixel(x, y, BLACK);

  // Do movement.
  x = x + mx;
  // If we hit the left or right of the screen, invert the movement.
  if ( (x<=0) || (x>=TV.vres()-1) ) mx = -xm;

  y = y + my;
  if ( (y<=0) || (y>=TV.hres()-1) ) my = -my;

...something like that. The >TV.Xres() may be off by one.

Here is the sample I wrote to move a circle around the screen:

#include <TVout.h>
TVout TV;
void setup()
  TV.begin(NTSC, 120, 96);
void loop()
  uint8_t  x, y;    // X and Y position of ball
  int8_t   xm, ym;  // X and Y movement of ball
  // Center of screen
  x = TV.hres()/2;
  y = TV.vres()/2;
  // Start moving to the right, and down.
  xm = 1;
  ym = 1;
  // We will do our own control loop here.
    // Wait for end of screen to be drawn.
    // Erase circle
    TV.draw_circle(x, y, 4, BLACK);
    x = x + xm;
    if (x<4 || x>=TV.hres()-4) xm = -xm;
    y = y + ym;
    if (y<4 || y>=TV.vres()-4) ym = -ym;
    TV.draw_circle(x, y, 4, WHITE);

And here is a modified version that allows bouncing multiple balls... I guess this was my "hello, world" program for TVout:

#include <TVout.h>
TVout TV;
#define BALLS    10 // Number of balls to bounce.
#define BALLSIZE 4  // Size of balls.
void setup()
  TV.begin(NTSC, 120, 96);
void loop()
  uint8_t  x[BALLS], y[BALLS];    // X and Y position of ball
  int8_t   xm[BALLS], ym[BALLS];  // X and Y movement of ball
  uint8_t  i;       // counter
  // Initialize balls.
  for (i=0; i<BALLS; i++)
    // Random position
    x[i] = random(BALLSIZE, TV.hres()-BALLSIZE-1);
    y[i] = random(BALLSIZE, TV.vres()-BALLSIZE-1);
    // Start moving to the right, and down.
    xm[i] = 1;
    ym[i] = 1;
  // We will do our own control loop here.
    // Wait for end of screen to be drawn.
    for (i=0; i<BALLS; i++)
      // Erase balls.
      TV.draw_circle(x[i], y[i], BALLSIZE, BLACK);
      x[i] = x[i] + xm[i];
      if (x[i]<=BALLSIZE || x[i]>TV.hres()-BALLSIZE-1) xm[i] = -xm[i];
      y[i] = y[i] + ym[i];
      if (y[i]<=BALLSIZE || y[i]>=TV.vres()-BALLSIZE-1) ym[i] = -ym[i];
      TV.draw_circle(x[i], y[i], BALLSIZE, WHITE);

I've not come across this TVout before. Can it be used for 50Hz PAL (not NTSC) TVs?

I've not come across this TVout before. Can it be used for 50Hz PAL (not NTSC) TVs?

It claims to support PAL:

It claims to support PAL and NTSC, but in reality it supports CCIR and RS170.