Need help solving mechanical part of rolling curtain motorization

Hi Everyone,

I need some help with solving the mechanical part of a project I am hoping to begin in January.

I have a slanted ceiling window, which has a fitted rolling curtain which is a bit special. Its fitted with a 2.5cm moulding around the window frame, so that it is completely tight. It's hard to explain so I have attached a few photos of how it looks, see Image 2 (note that photo is of the window on the wall, not ceiling).

Its made to manually pull down and push up, there is no chain/pulley like on normal rolling curtains. This causes it to be a real hassle to pull down the curtain on the ceiling window, as it is about 3 meters above ground, and there is no room for a stepladder due to the bed being beneath the window. The curtain is about 80cm (32 inches) long.

Therefore I have decided that this curtain should be motorized somehow, and thats where I am stuck! I've done some thourough googling, and it seems like most people either attach a motor directly to the spool, or connect a motor assembly to the pulley-line thingy. These are not options here.

Does anyone have any good ideas on how I can motorize this one without making this worse than just doing it manually?

My current theory is to attach a motor with a gear/wheel to the moving part of the curtain and a open end track (for example this one cut and laid out flat to the moulding. I have no idea whether this is feasible, and I havent been able to find references to anyone else doing this on similar applications which leads me to believe that it might not work well.

For more details including measurements see Image 3, 4 and 5

Looking forward to hearing what you guys think :slight_smile:

Images from Original Post Reply so we don't have to download them. See this Image Guide


What about something like this



Or Robin2's idea with cog belt and sprocket on gearmotor instead of string?.