Need Help To Build Led system For My Bicycle

Hi Techies , I'm Newbie

I'm from Hyderabad , India

i want to build led lighting system for my bicycle , I've purchased ARDUINO uno , RGB Led Strip , white led ,red led , yellow led , green led lights , ADXL345 Accelerometer and connectors etc.....

My goal is while i am bicycling , white led (used as a headlamp at night ) want start automatically , while i'm turning my bicycle left or right turn then want to Blink Yellow Light ( Indicate as a turn signal) , when i stops my bicycle want to light red led , if bicycle fell down want to flash red led full bright ..

This is what i'm thinking about my project

Is it possible ? if it is possible , anyone kind at me to help in this project ....



Automated turn signals are a no-go.
By the time you physically start the turn, it is too late to give other road vehicles warning.
Put a button on you bars near each thumb.
Hitting it one starts the turn signal. Hitting it again cancels the turn signal.
For extra credit, auto-cancel the turn signal after a certain time and distance traveled, whichever happens later.

And not smart placing your phone number and email addy in public view on a forum.

For the turn signals touch will work but make sure you can actually see yourself whether the signal is on - just like the green flashing light and the "click click" sound mimicking a relay in a car.
A mechanical switch may be better for this, much less risk to accidentally switch it on or off. When riding on a bumpy road you can very easily give a second tap.

The stopping part is doable but probably better using a speedometer attached to one of your wheels (bonus: you have a speedometer on your bike). Then when it detects zero speed (for some time?) it can change the lights. But do you want these lights to change while waiting at a traffic light? Or you ignore those anyway? Nevertheless you'll likely have to stop at times, and it may be confusing to other traffic to see a red light, while you're actually facing their way.

An accelerometer won't be able to tell reliably if you're cycling or not. It will be able to tell whether your bike is upright or on it's side.

Than Q to all for your valuable Answers , so I cancelled my project , and manually added micro switch to switch signals and warning lights