need help to convert pic code to arduino

hello there,

pardon me for my lack of knowledge in programming, well this thing is there is a code i had obtained but its for pic18XXX kind of microcontroller.

even though its in C, i m not sure how to convert it into arduino type of code.. so please help me out here thanx...

Just change whatever is specific to the PIC chip to an equivalent for the Atmel chip you will be using.

even though its in C, i m not sure how to convert it into arduino type of code.. so please help me out here thanx...

Post the code (in code tags or attach it) or link to it and someone here may be able to convert it if it's not using PIC microcontroller specific hardware abilities.

Just change whatever is specific to the PIC chip to an equivalent for the Atmel chip you will be using.

That's what he's asking for help doing!

Anyway, if the PIC code is in C, it should translate directly (aside from specific non-C functions such as the Arduino "Serial.print" function).