Need help to port program from WEMOS D1 to ARDUINO UNO

I just joined the FORUM, and would appreciate it if I can get some help. First,
I designed a robot gripper 2 DOF to work with 2 Herkulex 101 series smart servos, they have their own libraries and use softwareserial to control them, the Arduino Library for Herkulex servos can be downloaded at dfrobot website. I am using the ARDUINO UNO control board. I made small program, and got them working. The gripper is to be used for my SCARA robot arm project which I am currently working on.
The SCARA Robot will be using 3 NEMA 17 stepper motors , for the 2 link arms and
The Z, and 2 servos for the gripper. I have downloaded some open source Arduino code created by another user for a Scara ROBOT , BUT he uses a WEMOS D1 instead of ARDUINO UNO and CNC shield for the SCARA , I compile the program ( only ) with selecting WEMOS D1 as the board and seems to pass with no errors. Now, I’m not program savvy, but in the code he uses normal servos, but I want to use the smart servos that i mentioned above to work with the wemos , is there a way to do this ?? since the code was intended for a Wemos D1 and not ARDUINO UNO .
Or can the entire code just be written to work for an ARDUINO UNO board ?
I’m confused, I could share the program , just message me with your email
So I can send it off.

your image

if you are not ready to share your code here, you might want to go to the "Gigs and Collaboration" sub-forum

you dont need to send it via mail, jou can put it in code blocks in the forum itself!

Hi, I attached the Scara Arduino code

scara Arduino (10.4 KB)

You'll need change all the Serial.printf() into multiple Serial.print()

--> find all the printf() and modify accordingly. Mind adding bracket {} where needed as 1 expression will become multiple ones I spotted some printf are in a if statement with no brackets.

for example

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_MOTOR; i++) {
    Serial.printf("%s current position: %d", &m_name[i], m[i].current_pos);
    if (i == 0)
      Serial.printf(" (%.1f mm.)\n",  get_zx_height_from_current_position());
      Serial.printf(" (%.1f deg.)\n", get_angle_from_current_position(i));

needs to become

  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_MOTOR; i++) {
    Serial.print(" current position: ");

    if (i == 0) {
      Serial.print(" (");
      Serial.print(get_zx_height_from_current_position(), 1);
      Serial.print(" mm.)\n");
    else {
      Serial.print(" (");
      Serial.print(get_angle_from_current_position(i), 1);
      Serial.print(" deg.)\n");

Also the pins numbers will have to change from Dx to just x

Everything else is not really ESP specific and should compile on UNO

You will likely have many warnings when compiling as I could see some stuff that are not clean (order of initialization, the declaration of a variable as a uint8_t and then testing if it's strictly negative (eg uint8_t k in ik.ino) which will be always false as an unsigned int can't be negative (so the compiler gets rid of that code)

Also the UNO does not have really true double, so everything will be float when it comes to precision.