Need help to run 2 steppers with arduino uno

I am very new to coding world, could any one please help me with coding.
I want to run two bipolar steppers using urdiuno Uno.

"One start runing and stops after 10 revolutions, go back to home(zero step).
then the second one starts and stops after 2 revolutions go back to home (zero step)".

And this whole process last 20 times and start when I ask to.

What part do you need help with? What have you got so far? Have you read the pages on this site about steppers and how to control them? Have you seen the examples for the stepper library? This section of the forum is to ask questions about code or to get help with the code you wrote. There's another section called "Gigs and Collaborations" where you can offer to pay someone to write it for you.

Info and example code

One shows two motors running at once..