Need help to set instrument to clarinet and add debounce

Here is the code i have. UNO R3 to yamaha mu10

//midi controller template
//7-21-2014 update: changed MIDI CONTROL values to hexadecimal from base-10
//                  added comments

char notes[12] = {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, A2, A3, A4};      //pin setup for 12 buttons (keyboard)
boolean noteOn[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};      //button (keyboard) state
boolean noteLast[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};    //last button (keyboard) state
char noteCount = 12;

char changePins[3] = {11, 12, 13};                              //pin setup for 3 "modifier" keys
char octaveChanges[3] = {12, -12, 0};                           //numbers for octave changing
char singleChanges[3] = {1, -1, 0};                             //numbers for half step changing
boolean changeButton[3] = {0, 0, 0};                            //modifier button state
boolean changeButtonLast[3] = {0, 0, 0};                        //last modifier button state

int keysBase = 0x3C;                                            //base for keyboard (C4)
int keysLast = keysBase;                                        //last keyboard base state
int changekeys(int a, int b){                                   //function to change key base
  keysLast = a + b;

int pots[2] = {A0, A1};                                         //pin setup for potentiometers
int potState[2] = {0, 0};                                       //pot state
int potLast[2] = {0, 0};                                        //last pot state
int potCount = 2;

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(31250);                                          //serial speed for MIDI

                                                                //MIDI protocol -
                                                                //note to MIDI number -
int midi(int midiStatus, int midiData1, int midiData2){         //MIDI send function

void loop(){
  constrain(keysLast, 0x18, 0x60);                              //limit keyboard from C1 to C7
  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){                                   //loop for modifier keys
    changeButtonLast[i] = changeButton[i];                      //update modifier key state
    changeButton[i] = digitalRead(changePins[i]);               //read state of modifier keys
    if(changeButton[2] && changeButton[i] == HIGH && changeButton[i] != changeButtonLast[i]){    //if modifier buttons 1 or 2 are pressed while modifier button 3 is held down
      changekeys(singleChanges[i], keysLast);                   //change keyboard base up or down in half steps
    if(changeButton[0] && changeButton[1] == HIGH){             //if modifier buttons 1 and 2 are pressed together simultaneously
      keysLast = keysBase;                                      //revert keyboard base to C4
    if(changeButton[i] == HIGH && changeButtonLast[i] != changeButton[i] && changeButton[2] == LOW){    //if modifier buttons 1 or 2 are pressed while modifier button 3 is released
      changekeys(octaveChanges[i], keysLast);                   //change keyboard base up or down in octaves
  for(char n = 0; n < noteCount; n++){                          //loop for the 12 button keyboard
    noteOn[n] = digitalRead(notes[n]);                          //read state of keyboard
    if(noteOn[n] == HIGH && noteLast[n] != noteOn[n]){          //if a key(s) is pressed
      midi(0x90, keysLast + n, 0x7F);                           //channel 1 MIDI note(s) ON with static 127 note velocity
      noteLast[n] = noteOn[n];                                  //update keyboard state
    if(noteLast[n] != noteOn[n]){                               //if last keyboard state changes
      midi(0x80, keysLast + n, 0x7F);                           //channel 1 MIDI note(s) OFF
      noteLast[n] = noteOn[n];                                  //update keyboard state
  for(char n = 0; n < potCount; n++){                           //loop for potentiometers
    potState[n] = (analogRead(pots[n])/4);                      //read pot state
    if(abs(potState[n] - potLast[n]) > 1){                      //if potstate changes
      midi(0xB0, 0x0C + n, ((potState[n])/2));                  //channel 1 MIDI control/mode change
      potLast[n] = potState[n];                                 //update pot state

What is the question?

I am trying to set the instrument to clarinet and add debounce.

What is happening, or not happening?

You want to fool your parents that you are practicing?


Dunno how to set your instrument to clarinet, that's an instrument and MIDI thing.

Do you want to debounce multiple keys at the same time, or is it sufficient to debounce only one currently pressed key?