Hi, I have some month of experience in arduino and electronic. I already made an automatic window's blind controler to open/close my home's blinds at the morning and night (based on the time of the day)
Now I wish to be able to know the current state of those blinds (open or close) and also control them over the internet. maybe add light to my system.
I red a lot of thing about the esp8266 but there are a lot of variation. I red about the nodeMCU v1.0. It look easier to configure because there is a serial-to-usb converter on it. (Never use a serial-to-usb before so look a good option for me).
If you have a good guide to start using it, please send me the url, I have some difficultie finding a good one.
AND i wish to know how they (esp8266) works. I mean, I red about they can be use as server (so i need to switch my network on my router). Can they simply act as a "normal computer" and use my current network and gather/send infos over the internet ? If yes do i need to register on a website like thingspeak to update this info?
For now my controller send signal with 433mhz to my blind's receiver. So I thought about using a simple ethernet shield to interact with the internet and send the signal, but I wont be able to know the real state of the blind. Can it be easier for me ?
If I use esp8266, do i need one of these for each of my blind's ?
I know there is a lot of question but i'm kind of lost ? (like can an ethernet shield can work with a 433mz or not because of the interupt thing of the arduino )
Thank you for those who will help me.