Need Help understanding how to display a image.

Hey guys and girls,

i am very new to arduinos.

So being searching this for a little bit now but cant seem to find a answer that explains my question in full.

basically i am working on making my own custom gauge display for my car, i am stuck on understanding how to display the information in gauges that I'm going to design myself.

For example if i wanted to make a center gauge like the one in the above picture, how would i do it ?
can i load a base image onto the board somehow ? or do i need to program each pixel ?

I have looked into 4d systems screens and seen that you load the images into the screen its self, then write code on the board to control them.

can i load a base image onto the board somehow ?

However how all depends on what display you are using. Look the the examples that came with the display or better still look at them before you buy the display.