I am working on following a tutorial on building an adapter for an old Microsoft game port to usb using a teensy board. A forum I looked at said it could also be done with an arduino, which I own (keep in mind I know nothing about using either of these pieces of hardware whatsoever and am simply following an online tutorial. Does anyone know if I really can swap the teensy with an arduino and use the same code as well?
Links: forums including mentions of arduinos: old hardware adaptation - How can I use a SideWinder 3D Pro with a modern PC running Windows 7? - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange I am following: MWO: Forums - MS Sidewinder 3D Pro USB Conversion
Arduino covers a wide range of boards that can be programmed by the Arduino IDE. If we are to tell you if your Arduino will replace a Teensy board we will need to know the exact Arduino board and the exact Teensy board.
Sure I could dig through all those links trying to find out what you want, but I would prefer if you just tell us.
Can you share the sketch; i could not immediately find it in your links.
You don't mention which Arduino you have. I suspect that you need one with native USB support like Leonardo, Micro or Soarkfun ProMicro.
I am using an arduino uno r3 and the teensy board used is a teensy usb development board, thanks for trying to help!
I used a Teensy 2.0 to get my very old Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback joystick to work again with the new MS Flight Simulator. It was a compiled hexfile that I downloaded and I remember I could not use a Promicro. Despite they have the same processor one pin was not broken out on the Arduino Promicro that is broken out on the Teensy 2.0.
I also had to do away with the PJRC Teensy bootloader as I could not load the hexfile and keep that bootloader. So the Teensy is no more a Teensy now, but it's working flawless.
I believe the Teensy will function as a HID which a UNO will not without extensive re-programming using FLIP.
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