Hello I wanted to do a circuit of a micro step motor with 2 buttons on it, one to for it to go up and the other in reverse I have most of the parts for it but I don’t how to put it together or what to put in the code if anyone knows how to and can give me some instruction it would be helpful And please ask me anything if you want to know about my microstep motor or other things! This is the motor called mini Micro 6MM 2-Phase 4-Wire Stepper Motor Linear Screw Slider Nut Moving B ZK image|391x500
Can oupost a data sheet or other technical documetstion for the motor, please. We can't be of much help till we know what you have.
Mini Micro 6MM 2-Phase 4-Wire Stepper Motor Linear Screw Slider Nut Moving B ZK this is the name of the motor
Yes it goes by the name motor, has 4 wires, is a stepper, has a screw, etc... There are several thousand motors that will fit that description. Since I cannot see what is in front of you the best thing is to post a link to the technical information on the motor. Without that some may take a guess or have used it but most of us have not. Market places such as amazon and others generally do not post the technical details, just enough to sell it.
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