Need help with Arduino RealDash interface

I am building a sand rail (old school vw beetle based tube frame vehicle) and need to figure out how to interface the engine data to the RealDash app. I have an Arduino Mega and can get the data from the engine to the Arduino but not sure how to get it back out. RealDash can read OBD2 data as well as data from most aftermarket ECU's and I think CAN. I know There are CAN shields for the Arduino but I don't know if that is the right approach. If it's possible to output the data from the Arduino in an OBD2 format it would make it easy to set up the rest. I just don't know how to do that. I'm much more of a hardware guy but do have very competent but limited help (time wise) with the programming. The more I can learn on my own the better as I've got a few other ideas once I get this figured out.
The sensors I'm using are all analog. I want to be able to read
Oil pressure
Oil temperature
Left cylinder head temp
Right cylinder head temp
Fuel level
Engine RPM
battery voltage
If I can add things like accelerometer, ambient temp and others I wouldn't be opposed to it. Any help anyone can give me would be much appereciated. I'm moving along on the rest of the rail but will soon be at a stand still until I can figure out the electronics.

Didn't get completely what you are trying to do but what I understand is you want to design this device with multiple sensors.

The sensors you mentioned here are all simple analog sensors and doesn't require much schematic. So, you can just buy these sensors and connect the pins correctly according to the datasheet and then get data on analog pins. You may also search for their Arduino Libraries.

I am already able to read the sensors and get all the data into the arduino. I'm trying to figure out how to read the data from the arduino using the RealDash app. I dont know if it's easier/better to try and have the arduino output through CAN or OBD2 and how to build that side of the system.