I have connected a relay on my arduino out through a transidtor(bc548) i have connected a diode parallel on my relay. the circuit works fine except when i power on the board the relay clicks on off a couple of times while the arduino is bootloading.
any ideas on how to stop this?
What pins hav you used, avoid pins 0 & 1 as these are the serial port lines. Otherwise put a 10k pull down resistor from the base of the transistor to ground.
I used digital pin 13 to 10.
i will try that.
Tried that no luck.
Tried digitalWrite(pinrelay, LOW) before setting pin as outpout still relays are clickin
Have you used any PWM pins in the sketch? There was a bug in the early boot loaders that had that effect if you used PWM anywhere.
I found that relay on pin 13 is the only one clickin so i now i have connected digital pin 12 to 9 and pin 13 input.
thank you for the help..