Need help with BLE/WiFi between two Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 and Ableton Live

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a project to establish communication between two Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 boards using either Bluetooth or WiFi. The goal is to create a system where a client Arduino sends analog and digital sensor data to a server Arduino, which is then connected to my computer via USB.

Specifically, here is what I aim to achieve:

1. Establish BLE or WiFi communication between two Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 boards: The client Arduino collects sensor data and sends it to the server Arduino.

2. Send analog and digital sensor data: The data comes from various sensors connected to the client Arduino.

3. Transmit the data to Ableton via the Connection Kit: The server Arduino, connected to my computer, transmits the data to Ableton using Connection Kit to trigger and modify sounds in real-time.

4. Use the Firmata library: I must use Firmata for it seems to be very easy to implement in Ableton live.

I have already tried implementing parts of the code but it is too complicated for me. I've tried using StandardFirmataWifi and the BLE but none of them seems to work for me, any recommandations ?

Thank you,