Hey all,
I am working with a research team and we are planning to develop a chess board for the disabled, initially we are planning to use the regular x-y axis mechanism for the automated movements and reed switches for detecting the position.
Since we don't have much programming knowledge, I would appreciate if any of the members can guide me on how to go about with the coding or the chess algorithm for the Arduino.
I have read a couple of blogs n posts but most of then don't have more info regarding the coding.
It would be gr8 if someone could either direct me to a site where I could find a reference code and then maybe write my own code, or even better if someone could share their code or knowledge if they have worked on an automated chess project earlier.
I would use Arduino as a way to interface to the hardware, and put all the heavy lifting on a high spec PC. I'm not familiar with any PC chess algorithms, but I suspect people have put a lot of thought into this sort of thing and quite likely you'll find an open source implementation somewhere.
From what I understand, he don't want to make an AI chess player, he just want an "algorithm" to find the possible next positions of a piece. But I can be wrong
For example, the next position of a knigh (if there is not another piece of his "team" at the destination) can be:
The original IBM PCs used 8-bit at 5-10 MHz clock speeds and could play chess. Why not a 16 MHz processor?
And prior to that 8 bit CP/M systems running Z-80 at 4 mhz had usable chess programs that could be selected to play at maybe up to six levels of difficult, and while certainly not 'master level' competent it could give a beginner and intermediate chess player a good game. I just don't know how SRAM intensive it is/was, so that might have a bearing if an arduino could do it.
Well, form the little bit of research which I have done on the net, I've seen ppl have used Arduino or similar Microcontrollers for playing chess.
I am having an Arduino Mega ADK, and if required ill get an uno or Leonardo for the project so that I can use the Mega to do the computing and the uno to move the stepper motors etc.
I don't want a very powerful or ram consuming program, since this chess board is gonna be for the disabled, so just an easy or intermediate level would do for me.
So accordingly plz suggest from where should I start with the coding for this chess board. If someone knows a site from where I can get the basic knowledge and write my own code, then let me know about it.
Or even better, if any of you have might have worked on a similar project and if you are willing to share the code, which I could use as reference and write my own code, it would be gr8 help.
This is a non profit project and we are making this to make chess playing more fun for the disabled. So that's the reason the reason we haven't outsourced this coding job to a professional, coz we are having limited funding for this project.
Any help and guidance from you all would be appreciated.
I don't want a very powerful or ram consuming program, since this chess board is gonna be for the disabled,
Quite an offensive statement isn't it.
Just because some one is physically incapacitated doesn't mean they have mental impairment.
My Apologies for that, what I intended to say is that i don't want a code which will consume a lot of RAM and in return give me a very FAST and quick response. Since it is for the disabled, I don't mind if the program runs little slowly.
I have read thru the instructables post and and have also visited the website, but sjeng.org isn't available for use now, there is only an update for the old users 'that's what I understood after going thru the site'
I need something similar, like a code written in C.
The original IBM PCs used 8-bit at 5-10 MHz clock speeds and could play chess. Why not a 16 MHz processor?
And prior to that 8 bit CP/M systems running Z-80 at 4 mhz had usable chess programs that could be selected to play at maybe up to six levels of difficult, and while certainly not 'master level' competent it could give a beginner and intermediate chess player a good game. I just don't know how SRAM intensive it is/was, so that might have a bearing if an arduino could do it.
I remember 30 or maybe 40 years ago there were chess playing gadgets. The technology at the time must have been primitive compared to now, so I imagine the Arduino could cope. For a few extra dollars you could add in some SPI extension RAM if necessary to hold positions etc.
Thanks to everyone for replying.
Some of you gave me several useful links to go through.
I will shortly start with the coding work after going through all the information collected.