hey guys i need help fixing the code that i am using. basically my project i am working on is a autonomous robot that detects when it gets close to a wall and then turns right. i am using a ping sensor as my distance sensor and i have two motors controlling two wheels. down below is the code that i have now but for some reason it doesn't work. i would like some input as to where do i take it from here or what did i do wrong and need to fix. thank you in advance for your time and help
int ultraSoundSignal = 7; // Ultrasound signal pin
int val = 0;
int ultrasoundValue = 0;
int timecount = 0; // Echo counter
int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
int motorpinright = 10; // pin for left motor reverse
int motorpinleft = 11; // pin for left motor forward
int motorpinrevright = 5; // pin for right motor reverse
int motorpinrevleft = 6; // pin for right motor forward
void setup() {
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); // Sets the digital pin as input
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(motorpinright, OUTPUT); // Motor drives-----------
pinMode(motorpinleft, OUTPUT); //------------------------
pinMode(motorpinrevright, OUTPUT); //------------------------
pinMode(motorpinrevleft, OUTPUT); //------------------------
void loop() {
/* Start Scan
* --------------------------------------------------
timecount = 0;
val = 0;
pinMode(ultraSoundSignal, OUTPUT); // Switch signalpin to output
/* Send low-high-low pulse to activate the trigger pulse of the sensor
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
digitalWrite(ultraSoundSignal, LOW); // Send low pulse
delayMicroseconds(2); // Wait for 2 microseconds
digitalWrite(ultraSoundSignal, HIGH); // Send high pulse
delayMicroseconds(5); // Wait for 5 microseconds
digitalWrite(ultraSoundSignal, LOW); // Holdoff
/* Listening for echo pulse
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
pinMode(ultraSoundSignal, INPUT); // Switch signalpin to input
val = digitalRead(ultraSoundSignal); // Append signal value to val
while(val == LOW) { // Loop until pin reads a high value
val = digitalRead(ultraSoundSignal);
while(val == HIGH) { // Loop until pin reads a high value
val = digitalRead(ultraSoundSignal);
timecount = timecount +1; // Count echo pulse time
/* Lite up LED if any value is passed by the echo pulse
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
if(timecount > 0){
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
delay(50); //LED on for 50 microseconds
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
/* Delay of program
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Action based on data
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
ultrasoundValue = timecount; // Append echo pulse time to ultrasoundValue
if (ultrasoundValue > 800)
/* Drive straight forward
analogWrite(motorpinleft, 255); //100% speed
analogWrite(motorpinright, 255); //100% speed0
/* Turn hard right
analogWrite(motorpinleft, 0); //stop left motor
analogWrite(motorpinright, 0); //stop right motor
analogWrite(motorpinrevright, 0); // stop right rev motor
analogWrite(motorpinrevleft, 0); // stop left rev motor
analogWrite(motorpinrevright, 255); //100% speed
analogWrite(motorpinleft, 255); //100% speed
delay(380); //380 milliseconds
analogWrite(motorpinrevright, 0); // off
analogWrite(motorpinleft, 0); // off
Moderator edit: CODE TAGS.