Need help with HC-08 bluetooth

What I'm attempting is to create remote power door locks for my truck controlled by my phone. I'm using an Arduino uno board, a two relay board, and an HC-08 BLE module made by DSD Tech. I have the Arduino coded and working, and if I use the DSD app for my phone, I have no issue sending the command to the relays. Here is my sketch:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
const int unlock=7;
const int lock=8;
SoftwareSerial bleserial(0,1);
void setup()
  digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
    pinMode(unlock, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(lock, OUTPUT);
void loop()
            digitalWrite(unlock, LOW);
            digitalWrite(unlock, HIGH);
        else if(char1=='0')
        {digitalWrite(lock, LOW);
            digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

Like I said, this part of it is working, my problem is, my Galaxy S8 can find the Bluetooth module, but when I try to connect to it, I get the response "pairing rejected". I have searched all over google and tried different things, but I can not connect it to my phone to run any other app. I've tried using the serial monitor and I get no response to any command I send through it.

Goal: I am going to use bxactions to remap my volume buttons, so that when I hit the up volume button with the phone locked, it will use tasker to send "1" to the Bluetooth module, making Arduino trip the relay, then volume down to send "0" through tasker to trip the other relay.

I am very new at this, I just figured out how to change an existing code to do what I wanted it to do, so if you can help me with this, please be detailed.

I have tried holding in the button on the module and repowering it to get it into command mode, and I still was not able to get a response from the serial monitor.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Just to let everyone know, I assume they made the hc-08 only capable of connecting to their app some way, so I ordered an hc-05 and it is working just fine.