I am creating a pulse generator. The requirement calls for a switch to be closed for 100ns, and open for for the remainder of a 500us cycle. The sampling rate of the transducer being driven by the pulse generator is 2kHz. hence 500us. The capacitor should discharge within 4 tau, which gives a 25ns time constant.
The requirements call for a microcontroller to interface with the switch, in order to control exactly when the pulses are sent. I've planned on using the Arduino as it has analog input pins which will simplify the design. These pins will only be receiving a very low mV range signal.
In order to explain better I've posted a picture of the circuit. When the switch is closed, there should be a very low current flowing through the 560kohm, so the 100ns window the switch is closed shouldn't damage the transducer. The transducer is a dual element probe, so the side connected to the HV pulse is isolated from the side interfaced with the arduino.
Perhaps this part would work as the switch?
It is rated for Vds = 250V, within requirements.
It's Vgs is 2 to 4V, so the Arduino output pins could handle activating the gate of the mosfet.
If it is activated for 100ns, that would require at least 2 instructions to turn the pin high and back to low. (Probably much more if using digitalWrite() ). Unfortunately, if the Arduino only process it's instructions in increments of 62.5ns, I would only be able to get 125ns minimum, which would be optimistic and still not be within requirements. However the clock rate of 1/16MHz should allow up to 8,000 instructions per 500us cycle for processing purposes of the reflected signal and display of information on an output display.
Are there other microcontrollers that have analog input pins, with potentially higher resolution clock rates?
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.