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I suggest that you use the example code in Robin2's excellent simple rf24 tutorial to get the radios to work. Pay close attention to the part about getting sufficient current to the 3.3V power input.
Some other tips that I have come across.
Run the CheckConnection.ino (look in reply #30 in the tutorial) to verify the physical wiring between the radio module and its processor (Arduino). This is especially useful if all you see is “Data received” repeating much more quickly then there is a problem - most likely theArduino is not communicating properly with its nRF24.
Make sure the rf24 power supply can provide enough current. This is especially true for the high power (external antenna) modules. I use homemade adapters like these. They are powered by 5V and have a 3.3V regulator on the board. Robin2 also has suggested trying with a 2 AA cell battery pack.
If using the high powered radios make sure to separate them by a few meters. They may not work too close together. Try the lower power settings.
Reset the radios by cycling power to them after uploading new code. I have found that to help. They do not reset with the Arduino.
Sending too often can also cause a problem. Trying to send every time through a fast loop may not work. Slow down to 1 to 5 packets per second to test.
Please post a schematic. Hand drawn, photographed and posted is fine. Include all pin names/numbers, components, their part numbers and/or values and power supplies.