Hi, I am a student building a pinball machine powered by arduino. I have been having trouble with the code that I have put in below with getting my pushbuttons to add a specific amount to the 8 digit display. If anyone knows how to get the buttons to work and increase the numbers on the display or if you see something wrong in the code that is causing me my problems please let me know.
#include "LedControl.h"
#include <ezButton.h>
// Initialise the LedControl library
// pin 7 on DIN,
// pin 6 on Clk,
// pin 5 on LOAD
// number of displays: 1
LedControl lc = LedControl(4, 2, 3, 1);
//int i = 0;
//int button1 8;
//int button2 9;
void setup() {
//pinMode (button1, INPUT);
//pinMode (button2, INPUT);
// On startup, the MAX72XX chip is in power-safe mode
// we are waking this chip for device 0 with the shutdown command
lc.shutdown(0, false);
// Set the intensity of the screen on device 0 with a value between 0 and 15
lc.setIntensity(0, 5);
// Clear the display of device 0
int i=0;
// Show a number of max 4 positions, so 0...9999
void printNumber(int number) {
int ones;
int tens;
int hundreds;
int thousands;
int tenThousands;
int hundredThousands;
int millions;
int tenMillions;
int button1 = 8;
int button2 = 9;
// Calculate the number of ones
// we take the remainder when the number is divided by 10
// ones = number % 10;
// Save the number of divides without remainder
// number = number / 10;
// Calculate the number of tens
// we take the remainder when the number is divided by 10
// tens = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// Calculate the number of hundreds
// we take the remainder when the number is divided by 10
// hundreds = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// thousands = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// tenThousands = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// hundredThousands = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// millions = number % 10;
// number = number / 10;
// tenMillions = number;
if (button1==HIGH){
lc.setDigit(0, 7, tenMillions, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 6, millions, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 5, hundredThousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 4, tenThousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 3, thousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 2, hundreds, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 1, tens, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 0, ones, false);
// Show the digits on the display
lc.setDigit(0, 7, tenMillions, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 6, millions, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 5, hundredThousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 4, tenThousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 3, thousands, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 2, hundreds, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 1, tens, false);
lc.setDigit(0, 0, ones, false);
void printNumber2(long number) {
// Array of 8 bytes for each postion on the LED display
byte digits[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Loop over each position to determine the number to show
for (int i; i < 8; i++) {
digits[i] = number % 10;
number = number / 10;
// Loop over all LED positions
for (int i; i < 8; i++) {
// Show digit on position i on the LED display
lc.setDigit(0, i, digits[i], false);
void printNumber3(long number) {
// Array of 8 bytes for each postion on the LED display
byte digits[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Loop over each position to determine the number to show
for (int i; i < 8; i++) {
digits[i] = number % 10;
number = number / 10;
// True when we've found the first non-zero digit
bool firstNonZeroFound = false;
// Loop backwards from 7 to 0
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
// If the number is not equal to 0
if(digits[i] != 0) {
firstNonZeroFound = true;
// If the first non-zero number is found show this on the LED display
if (firstNonZeroFound) {
lc.setDigit(0, i, digits[i], false);
void loop() {