Need help with project.

Hi, Ive currently started a project that i need help with but have no idea what to do.

Ive made a simple circuit up with a rocker switch and a 12v motor.

I want to get it so at a certain time the motor will turn on Clockwise for X amount of time and then at another time turn anti-clock wise for X amount of time.

For Example:
At 8am the motor will run clockwise for 15 seconds (to open),
At 8pm to motor will run Anti-Clockwise for 15 seconds to close.

Ive been pointed in the direction of Arduino but i'm completely lost where to start and what to do. if anyone could help i would really appreciate it.



Ive been pointed in the direction of Arduino but i'm completely lost where to start and what to do. if anyone could help i would really appreciate it.

You can certainly build an Arduino project to do what you want.

However you are faced with choosing between {A} learning how to program an Arduino or {B} getting someone to write the program for you (probably for a fee).

Lots of us think that Arduino programming is fun, but I can easily understand that you may not. If you just want someone to write a program for you please ask in the Gigs and Collaborations section of the Forum and be prepared to pay.

If you want to learn to program yourself the examples that come with the Arduino IDE are a good place to start. They probably cover all the techniques you will need. There are also many online tutorials. Also see the Useful Links Thread.
