Need help with PWM from Arduino to High Voltage/Current LED Driver 45V


I recently purchased a 300-3000mA Buck Regulator LED Driver for 1-100W High Power LED from
Sure Electronics

The driver supports an input voltage of 10-45v DC and supports PWM dimming.

But I am not sure how to connect the PWM to an Arduino.

The basic layout of the board is below

The VCC is connected to an external voltage source of 10-45V and GND connected to that same voltage source.

The EN pin is described as PWM terminal.

When applied with ground or suspended, full amount of current will be output and when connected with +5v or VIN, output current will be 0.

My question is how would I drive this from my 5v arduino without destroying my arduino?


Use an optocoupler.
Check that the opto is happy working at the PWM frequency.

Tom... :slight_smile:

I don't see why you can't drive the enable pin (plus ground) directly with an Arduino PWM signal.
See the LM3409 datasheet for details.

Is it safe to connect the arduino GND to the voltage source ground and use PWM pin directly?

The voltage source will be at 42v DC

I don't want magic smoke - and I do not really understand this shared ground in this situation. But it looks very similar to the image below.
