The issue is in the first if statement, it is not bypassing even with the key in the off position (not connected to ground). Any help would be much appreciated, I am new to coding so be gentle with me! I have tried using input_pullup and digital write high for KeyOn and KeyStart
#define ON 7 // relay 1 is Gen on/off switch
#define CHK 6 // relay 2 is choke switch
#define START 5 // relay 3 is Gen starter
#define relay4 4 // relay 4 unused
#define KeyON 8 // Pin 8 is high when key is on
#define KeyStart 9 // Pin 9 is High to Run start sequence
#define KeyTurn 10 //Turns LED on when KeyStart is read by program
#define BattVolt A0 // battery voltage at terminals
#define GenVolt A1 // Gen stator voltage
//Floats for ADC and Input voltage
float adcgen_voltage = 0.0;
float adcbatt_voltage = 0.0;
float gen_voltage = 0.0;
float batt_voltage = 0.0;
//Floats for resistor values (in ohms) for generator stator voltage and battery voltage
float R1gen = 30000.0;
float R1batt = 30000.0;
float R2gen = 7500.0;
float R2batt = 7500.0;
//Float for reference voltage
float refgen_voltage = 5.0;
float refbatt_voltage = 5.0;
int adcgen_value = 0;
int adcbatt_value = 0;
int START_Attempt = 0;
int START_Time = 0;
int Counter = 0;
unsigned long start_time = 0;
const unsigned long batt_check = 43200000; //Check battery voltage every 12 hours
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // setup serial monitor to display information
pinMode(ON, OUTPUT); // connected to relay 1 Gen on/off
pinMode(CHK, OUTPUT); // connected to relay 2 Choke on/off
pinMode(START, OUTPUT); // connected to relay 3 Gen starter
pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT); // connected to relay 4
pinMode(GenVolt,INPUT); // Input for battery voltage
pinMode(BattVolt,INPUT); // Input for Generator stator voltage
pinMode(KeyON,INPUT); //Turn Generator on with key
pinMode(KeyStart,INPUT); //Start generator with key
pinMode(KeyTurn,OUTPUT); // turn LED on when program sees key in start position
// Make sure all inputs and outputs are set to correct values
void loop() {
//Generator voltage readings
adcgen_value = analogRead(GenVolt);
adcgen_voltage = (adcgen_value * refgen_voltage )/ 1024.0;
gen_voltage = adcgen_voltage / (R2gen / (R1gen + R2gen));
//Battery voltage readings
adcbatt_value = analogRead(BattVolt);
adcbatt_voltage = (adcbatt_value * refbatt_voltage )/ 1024.0;
batt_voltage = adcbatt_voltage / (R2batt / (R1batt + R2batt));
if((digitalRead(KeyON == LOW)) && (digitalRead(KeyStart == LOW)) && ((gen_voltage) < 12))
for(START_Attempt = 0; START_Attempt <= 3; START_Attempt++) //Try to start a max of 4 times
digitalWrite(KeyTurn,HIGH); //Activate LED when start program sees key Ingnition turned
digitalWrite(ON,HIGH); //Turn generator switch on
delay(5000); //To allow the user to see that the code picked up the momentary switch
digitalWrite(START,HIGH); //Activate generator starter
digitalWrite(CHK,HIGH); //Turn choke on
delay(2500); //Crank starter for 2.5 sec
digitalWrite(START,LOW); //Turn starter off
delay(1500); //Leave Choke of an additional 1.5 sec
digitalWrite(CHK,LOW); //Turn choke off
delay(3000); //Delay 3 second before trying the restart loop again
if((gen_voltage) > 12) //If there is voltage detected at stator then stop loop
if((digitalRead(KeyON == HIGH)) && ((gen_voltage) > 12) && (digitalRead(KeyTurn == HIGH)))
delay(300000); //Cool down generator for 5 minutes
digitalWrite(ON,LOW); //Turn off generator with key
digitalWrite(KeyTurn,LOW); //Turn off LED KeyStart indicator light
START_Attempt = 0; //Reset start attempts
Counter = 0; //Reset counter
start_time = millis(); //Reset timer
unsigned long current_time = millis();
if((current_time - start_time > batt_check) || (Counter > 28) && (gen_voltage < 12))
if(((batt_voltage) < 12) || (Counter > 28) && ((gen_voltage) < 12)) //If battery voltage drops below 12v or doesnt start in approximatly 2 weeks
if(((batt_voltage) < 12) || (Counter > 28) && ((gen_voltage) < 12)) //If less than 4 attempts to start or generator doesnt detect 12v from stator
for(START_Attempt = 0; START_Attempt <= 3; START_Attempt++) //Try to start a max of 4 times
digitalWrite(ON,HIGH); //Turn generator switch on
digitalWrite(START,HIGH); //Activate generator starter
digitalWrite(CHK,HIGH); //Turn choke on
delay(2500); //Crank starter for 2.5 sec
digitalWrite(START,LOW); //Turn starter off
delay(1500); //Leave Choke of an additional 1.5 sec
digitalWrite(CHK,LOW); //Turn choke off
delay(5000); //Delay 7 second before trying to restart
if(((gen_voltage) > 12)) //If there is voltage detected at stator then stop loop
if((gen_voltage) > 12) //If generator has started reset start attempts and counter
int START_Attempt=0; //Reset start attempts
Counter=0; //Reset counter
start_time = current_time; //Reset timer
delay (1200000); //Run generator for 20 min to recharge battery or exercise
digitalWrite(ON,LOW); //Turn Generator off
Counter++; //Exercise Approximatly every 2 weeks
start_time = millis(); //Reset counter