Need help with switch

hello everyone!
I'm using this selector switch to ask if I want the stepper motor to execute the word at the first switch while it is rotating and then the switch happens immediately, the stepper motor stops before it completes its time. I would like to ask how do you do it when you change the switch immediately? The stepper motor completes the first instruction for a certain time and then follows the instruction on the next switch. I tried increasing the delay but it didn't work.

or how to make when the switch is turned back and the stepper motor is in the position where the switch was previously selected.

#define Time0      10000
#define Time1      4500
#define Time2      6000
#define Time3      10000
#define Time4      8000

int pul =  4;
int dir =  3;
int ena =  2;
int sw0  =  A0;
int sw1  =  A1;
int sw2  =  A2;
int sw3  =  A3;
int sw4  =  A4;

int buttonState0;
int buttonState1;
int buttonState2;
int buttonState3;
int buttonState4;

unsigned long Milliseclast0;
unsigned long Millisec0;
unsigned long Milliseclast1;
unsigned long Millisec1;
unsigned long Milliseclast2;
unsigned long Millisec2;
unsigned long Milliseclast3;
unsigned long Millisec3;
unsigned long Milliseclast4;
unsigned long Millisec4;

enum { idle0, for0, rev0 };
int state0 = idle0;
enum { idle1, for1, rev1 };
int state1 = idle1;
enum { idle2, for2, rev2 };
int state2 = idle2;
enum { idle3, for3, rev3 };
int state3 = idle3;
enum { idle4, for4, rev4 };
int state4 = idle4;

void setup () {
    pinMode (pul, OUTPUT);
    pinMode (dir, OUTPUT);
    pinMode (ena, OUTPUT);

    pinMode (sw0, INPUT_PULLUP);
    buttonState0 = digitalRead (sw0);
    pinMode (sw1, INPUT_PULLUP);
    buttonState1 = digitalRead (sw1);
    pinMode (sw2, INPUT_PULLUP);
    buttonState2 = digitalRead (sw2);
    pinMode (sw3, INPUT_PULLUP);
    buttonState3 = digitalRead (sw3);
    pinMode (sw4, INPUT_PULLUP);
    buttonState4 = digitalRead (sw4);

    digitalWrite (ena,HIGH);
    Serial.begin (9600);


void step (void)
    digitalWrite (pul,HIGH);
    digitalWrite (pul,LOW);

void loop () {
    Millisec0 = millis ();
    Millisec1 = millis ();
    Millisec2 = millis ();
    Millisec3 = millis ();
    Millisec4 = millis ();

    if (idle0 != state0)  {
        if ((Millisec0 - Milliseclast0) > Time0)
            state0 = idle0;
            step ();
    if (idle1 != state1)  {
        if ((Millisec1 - Milliseclast1) > Time1)
            state1 = idle1;
            step ();
    if (idle2 != state2)  {
        if ((Millisec2 - Milliseclast2) > Time2)
            state2 = idle2;
            step ();
    if (idle3 != state3)  {
        if ((Millisec3 - Milliseclast3) > Time3)
            state3 = idle3;
            step ();
    if (idle4 != state4)  {
        if ((Millisec4 - Milliseclast4) > Time4)
            state4 = idle4;
            step ();
    int button0 = digitalRead (sw0);
    if (buttonState0 != button0)  {
        buttonState0 = button0;
        delay (10);        

        if (LOW == button0 && idle0 == state0)  {
            Milliseclast0 = Millisec0;
            state0   = rev0;
            digitalWrite (dir, LOW);
            delay (1000); 
       int button1 = digitalRead (sw1);
    if (buttonState1 != button1)  {
        buttonState1 = button1;
        delay (10);        

        if (LOW == button1 && idle1 == state1)  {
            Milliseclast1 = Millisec1;
            state1   = for1;
            digitalWrite (dir, HIGH);
            delay (1000); 
        else if (HIGH == button1 && idle1 == state1)  {
            Milliseclast1 = Millisec1;
            state1   = rev1;
            digitalWrite (dir, LOW);
    int button2 = digitalRead (sw2);
    if (buttonState2 != button2)  {
        buttonState2 = button2;
        delay (10);        

        if (LOW == button2 && idle2 == state2)  {
            Milliseclast2 = Millisec2;
            state2   = for2;
            digitalWrite (dir, HIGH);
            delay (1000);
        else if (HIGH == button2 && idle2 == state2)  {
            Milliseclast2 = Millisec2;
            state2   = rev2;
            digitalWrite (dir, LOW);

    int button3 = digitalRead (sw3);
    if (buttonState3 != button3)  {
        buttonState3 = button3;
        delay (10);        

        if (LOW == button3 && idle3 == state3)  {
            Milliseclast3 = Millisec3;
            state3   = for3;
            digitalWrite (dir, HIGH);
            delay (1000);
        else if (HIGH == button3 && idle3 == state3)  {
            Milliseclast3 = Millisec3;
            state3   = rev3;
            digitalWrite (dir, LOW);
    int button4 = digitalRead (sw4);
    if (buttonState4 != button4)  {
        buttonState4 = button4;
        delay (10);        

        if (LOW == button4 && idle4 == state4)  {
            Milliseclast4 = Millisec4;
            state4   = for4;
            digitalWrite (dir, HIGH);
            delay (1000);
        else if (HIGH == button4 && idle4 == state4)  {
            Milliseclast4 = Millisec4;
            state4   = rev4;
            digitalWrite (dir, LOW);


there seems to be a lot of redundant code and hard to follow (and no doubt maintain). does each panel switch position correspond to a motor position?

i see you have 5 switch inputs. how are they wired to the switch in the photo?

If you really want help you have to provide easier to read information.

You have zero comments in your code.
You use non-selfdescriptive identifiers

I have


idea what you mean by writing

If english is not your native language use google-translate.
Write down a much more detailed description in normal words. Avoid programming-terms in this description. We (the other users on the forum) have no idea how much programming knowledge you have (as you haven't provided information abou that). So using programming terms might include mis-conceptions.

Normal words ensure easiness of understanding.

Of course you are free to try posting a infinite number of more tooo short postings if you enjoy additional waiting times until another detail is asked back.
Or much more effective: post the detailed description right with your next posting.

best regards Stefan

Hello mamanoko
Post a schematic.

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