Need help with the Arduino Nano and sample code to run DC motors


I am very much new to Arduino Programming. Still understanding the basics. Could anyone help me with the code to run the DC motors on the below given nano board. I tried different examples given but none of them are triggering the motors to run.

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The first thing to note is that the Arduino and the motors will not run for very long on that PP3 battery as it is not designed to supply the required current

Please post a circuit diagram of your project and your best attempt at a sketch to make the motors run

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Not without

  • details of what the red thingy marked CONTROLLER is, and
  • a schematic of the wiring, and
  • an example of code that doesn't do what you want.
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And it had better have some substantial FETs or an IC hiding behind it if you are proposing to use it to connect motors! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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