im getting this one with introductions to microcontrollers, after i press the button that is connected to 11, it needs to go up to 99 one by one, thats what i want. What i am getting is the G Led in the 7 SEGMENT display keeps lighting up like in the photo i sent, but it doesnt even change.
i changed that line like this, but it still doesnt work. it keeps giving me random symbols.
but now the symbols change after i press the button. Every 10 press the left 7 SEG changes, and every press the right one changes as it should. but it doesnt give me right numbers, it gives me random symbols
The way the original code is written, it will try to show zero until the button is pressed the first time. Once the button press is detected counter goes to 99 without printing any digits and then nothing ever sets counter back to anything other than 99 so it should just keep trying to display 99 over and over and over.
I think their segment values are set up inverse of what you'd expect. I think it is an attempt to deal with a common anode display. However from the description of the actual output it appears that may not be what they actually have. Or they may have the display miswired. I'm thinking that they actually have a common cathode display and the light is happening when the common pin is LOW and the segment G pin is HIGH which appears to be what digitOne[0] indicates to do.