need help with the serial port of an arduino to a propeller 'Flip board

Hi; I am back with problems with my hand controller. I tried to send the data over a serial line but I'm not getting a signal to the receiving device(propeller 'flip'). I tried to read the serial output but I don't know how to set up the print lines. This is my serial output:


I may be thick, but how is this an I2C issue?

(Try to imagine that we don't have any idea what your hand controller is)

looks like you just want to print the pin values ?

this may help you get useful info

   char s [80];
    sprintf (s, " Rmotor %d, Rdir %d, Dmotor %d, Ddir %d",
        RmotorPin, RdirPin, DmotorPin, DdirPin);
    Serial.println (s);

If i'm unable to get info into the'FLIP' then I will have to rewrite the programs back to I2C with the nano being a slave and the 'FLIP' a master.


That just starts the serial port. It does not send anything. How is the Arduino wired to the FLIP?



That just starts the serial port. It does not send anything.

Psst...scroll across.

I still don't understand this topic.

I am connected to the Flip with four wires, one is the power to the arduino, one is ground, and two leads for the Tx to Rx and Rx to Tx. I should be able to transmit the the four bytes from the arduino to the Flip. one question I have is about the voltage reduction to the flip, in line resistor or a voltage divider. The Flip operates at 3.3 volts.

Care to tell us what the heck a "Flip" is? How about a data sheet?

Why have you titled this thread "Questions regarding I2C" when this discussion has nothing to do with I2C?

A flip is a mini board similar to the MICRO but powered with a parallax propeller running at 5-80 MHz. The freq is set by PLL and has 8 processors in a single chip. I originally planned on starting with I2C questions and may still return to I2C.

Tried to use info from post # 2 with my main post but get no print or results on the serial monitor. I rarely use the serial monitor so I might not be using it right.I am transmitting to the Flip on the serial lines.

I suggest that yu edit your thread title to say that you want help with using the serial port of an Arduino to a FLIP board. That get the attention of someone that can provide help with that specifc board.

Tried to use info from post # 2 with my main post

What's that?

Don't understand your question.

I am connected to the Flip with four wires, one is the power to the arduino, one is ground, and two leads for the Tx to Rx and Rx to Tx.

I do not see any TTL serial pins broken out on the Propeller Flip. How did you connect the TX RX?

If there is a software serial library for that device, you might be able to communicate to the Arudino through that method.

I do see an I2C connection and perhaps your original idea of connecting the Arduino to the Flip with I2C is a way to go.

Don't understand your question.

I meant "What do you consider to be your "main post"?"

The very first post with the Serial.write codes.

So WT merry F has this got to do with I2C ?

We keep coming back to this, and you seem to disappear for hours or days AND NEVER ANSWER THAT VERY SIMPLE QUESTION.

In the last several posts I was considering using I2C in this project. However I have been Told by others that because of the program in the hand controller I cannot use the 'Flip' in the master mode, and since it cannot be used as a slave I have to revert to Serial mode. Now I cannot get anything to print on the serial monitor.

Post your code.

Program is over 9000 characters long so have to send as an attachment,

sketch_mar09a.ino (10.3 KB)