Hello, I was wondering what type of sensor I could use to detect when a car seat buckle is latched?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Hello, I was wondering what type of sensor I could use to detect when a car seat buckle is latched?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Don't modern cars have that sort of sensor as standard? If so, what do they use?
Or maybe they just sense whether the belt has been extended?
Perhaps a microswitch mounted inside the latch housing? Normally open
This is your 3rd thread on the same topic within a day.
Read this: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html
Then come back IF you have an actual problem
Perhaps a microswitch mounted inside the latch housing? Normally open
That's probably how factory ones work, but jeez, figuring out how to get a switch inside an existing housing so that a) it works reliably and b) doesn't interfere with the safe latching of the belt, will be a major test I'd say.
I have made some handheld test gear for such buckles, have a factory nearby that manufacture them.
These have spring loaded contact, gold plate I think, wiping action, some NC others NO, depends on the application, but the buckle assembly is custom made.
Perhaps a microswitch mounted inside the latch housing?
The two wires running down the stem from the latch tends to give it away.