hello im newbe in here and in arduino , i have a task about arduino , im realy need tutorial programming about HX711 modul with servo, some people can help ? please..Preformatted text
What are you trying to do? I'm familiar with the HX711 used with load cells. I'm not familiar with how to use it with a servo motor.
Why did you choose the components you chose?
I would recommend you either purchase or get from the library a copy of the Arduino Cookbook and read that before proceeding. Start by building some the examples given, HX711 and other parts you may be interested in. There is also an Electronics Cookbook, it is good as well. Since you are new download KiCad (it is free) or something similar and learn how to do schematic capture, it will be much better than the popular frizzy drawing program. As you advance it will keep up with you through very complex PCBs.
Agree with the recommendation to get a copy of Arduino Cookbook by Margolis. It's an awesome book that will teach you the basics you'll need.
Hi @yul_apr
welcome to the arduino forum.
If english is not your native language than write down a detailed description of your project in your native language and let do google translate the translation to english.
With a few poor english sentences everything stays unclear. You will receive much better help if you describe your project in detail
If you prefer online-ressources
Take a look into this tutorial:
It is easy to understand and has a good mixture between explaining important concepts and example-codes to get you going. So give it a try and report your opinion about this tutorial.
give the duck a go
best regards Stefan
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