Ok here's the deal. I need to create a USB powered device that will accept commands from a computer to periodically turn a knob left or right. Ardunio seems to be the way to go and it gives me a chance to finally get my hands on one.
If I could get a general list of what I'll need hardwarewise to get started that would be incredibly helpful! This is my first project like this so any direction would be much appreciated.
Can you say a little more about the project.
Is this an assignment with specific requirements or something just for fun.
How much torque is required to move the knob?
How fast and and how accurate do the movements need to be?
It may also help if you said what the knob was connected to.
Ok here's the situation. I worked for a company that makes air purifiers, they wanted a way to show the efficiency of their products at trade shows. Which is kinda hard all they had was a device that tells you how many particles per cubic foot of air there were. So I arranged 2 of these devices to be controlled via serial port to sample air inside a clear plastic sealed room and air from the trade show arena. It would then figure out how much cleaner the air was inside the room with the air cleaner than outside.
What I want to do is put a device between the 2 tubes from inside the tent and outside that "swaps" the sources of air by turning a knob on a small tube valve. The strength of the turning only needs to be like that of easy finger turning.
I think the knob-turning idea is cool, but what might be an even better solution would be to replace the small tube valves with solenoid valves that you could control directly with Arduino outputs.
Oh wow I just looked up solenoid valves and that is such a better idea! That's why I came here, being as this is my first project developing hardware I'm a little naive as to what components are out there. Thank you so much!
The pressures are very low, normal air pressure. Basically the particulate counter just pulls air past a laser to measure the diffraction caused by particles in the air and calculates the level of particulate off from that.
Oh and the tubes used in this project are essentially what runs into a fishtank so it's very small. If you could give me a lead on solenoid valves that'd be sweet I seem to only be finding industrial sized ones right now.
I just ordered a couple of $15 samples from "valves4projects", a small Arizona outfit that is geared to DIY solenoid applications. My usage will be for low-pressure water, but several of the solenoids they listed can handle air and vacuum purposes too. All the business is eBay storefront at this stage.
Even so, solenoids may require more current than an Arduino output can drive, so I've been advised to use a Darlington Array (two npn transistors) technique to support 12VDC 0.6A current.
Ok so here's my understanding so far of what I'll need.
I will need to get 2 of those valves4projects solenoids, since they are inline on/off valves I would have to design the device to close one valve then open the other valve. I will need to learn how to set up and use a Darlington Array to power the solenoids.
I recently picked up a basic electronic circuitry book and am burning through it like I should be my accounting book so I'm hoping this will give me a better understanding of basic electronics and I can start applying some crazy ideas to good use...i.e. arduino powered drink mixer?
Thank you so much everyone! I am awaiting my Arduino Christmas and I will begin constructing this. I realize it's kind of a big first project but it never hurts to push your limits.
Thanks again! I'm sure I'll be back as soon as I get rolling with this!