Need leads on using 'Push Notifications' with Uno Wifi Rev2

I have spent time surfing the web looking for compatible sketches/scripts that will allow the generation of alarm-based push notifications from a Uno Wifi Rev2 to a web client like Pushbullet. I also checked out but their stuff is for ESP32 and 8266.

If you know of any links that might work I would appreciate it.

Looking for ready projects is almost always a waist of time.
Split the project down into smaller pieces and look for similar projects. Modify the best example to fit Your needs.
Then integrate those parts to one piece.

Split a comm sketch into smaller parts? Not sure how you would do that. But thanks anyway,

Where are these alarms ultimately going?

The pushbullet API looks easy enough to use - just emulate their curl examples in a web client sketch.

I can think of two parts. One would be getting/reading the data that will trigger the alarm. The next part would be generating the alarm.

Getting the alarm data is not the issue. That bit is finished.
Getting communications established with a push notification client is my roadblock.
There is plenty of push notification/SMS stuff on the web for the 8266 and esp32 but not the Uno WiFi Rev2 which uses different libraries.

Alarm is to go to cellphone. I usually encounter library problems when trying to adapt other board sketches to the Uno WiFi Rev2.

Can you get it working on Pushbullet from curl?

I tried Pushbullet with a Youtube sourced script. To be honest I have tried so many different approaches that I forget the specific Pushbutton obstacle.

I am going to pursue your "curl" suggestion for sure; as soon as I understand what curl is. Lol.


Curl is a useful command line utility that lets you hit an endpoint and examine the results as text.

I usually start with curl to make sure that my authentication is right and to verify that what I got from the API was what I expected. Then I write the client code to do the same thing and parse the results.

I'm in. If Curl lets me see things sequentially, great!
I am so much playing "catch up" on this stuff. :+1:

Primary Solution was in Examples for WifiNINA : ConnectWithWPA.

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