Need more stable power


I've built a flash trigger for my arduino that also controls the camera shutter via IR LED. And I've been having problems triggering the flash(Fuji, from disposable camera). After some testing I found that the device responds perfecting with the battery charging the flash is 1.5V. After a few uses the battery sits at 1.4V and the circuit becomes really unresponsive, the flash only fires every 7th+ try. Is there a way to get a fixed current flow of 1.5V to the flash? Maybe from a more powerful battery? I know that rechargeable AAAs are an option, but I'd like to avoid having to recharge the batteries every 30minutes or even creating a cycle of rechargeable ones. Would using a 9V battery help with this?

Sorry about the noob question, I'm still 1st year and new to Arduino :slight_smile:
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

you could use 3 AA's or AAA's with something like this As long as the flash doesn't pull more than 800mA you should be good. If you can find how much power the flash takes then you could figure out how many shots you could get before a recharge too.

I presume you are using an alkaline AAA cell. Have you tried using a lithium 1.5v AAA cell instead? See for a comparison.

@ iggykoopa: Thanks, my university is closed for the holiday, but as soon as it opens I'll get one and see what I can do!

@dc42: I am using alkaline, but as a short term fix I will try try get a lithium AAA. I don't remember seeing them at the supermarket I bought the alkaline ones from, would I have to get them at a specialist store?


@dc42: I am using alkaline, but as a short term fix I will try try get a lithium AAA. I don't remember seeing them at the supermarket I bought the alkaline ones from, would I have to get them at a specialist store?

Here in the UK, the larger supermarkets sell them, so do electronics stores and camera shops.

Hi GregN

Is replacing the batteries with a power supply an option, or does the camera need to be mobile?

Regards Bill

Hey Bill

A power supply would actually be ideal! The camera does not need to be mobile, the pictures I am taking are can only be done in controlled environments wre I can time everything.
Do you have an idea how to do this with a power supply?
