I am using Arduino Mega + Arduino Ethernet Shield 2 Board. Using that, I am Planning to use the Arduino Boards as a Modbus TCP Server and My PC as a Master Client. On the PC Side, I am using the Modscan32 Application as a Master Client for testing.
I am planning to use the Arduino Modbus TCP Server library. Can you Please share the library Example which supports Arduino as Modbus TCP server to communicate with the Modsca32 Master Client.
With the above Modbus TCP Server library Example, i am able to write and read the Holding register from my Modscan Master client application.
I have to identify whether the Frame received from the Master is Function code -->read(03) or Multiplewrite(10).
If the Frame received is read --> I have to read the holding register.
If the Frame received is MultipleWrite --> I have to write into that holding register and also to the EEPROM location.
So How to differentiate the Function code received is read or multiple write function. Kindly help on this.